Pec Grit Club Apparel Online Store is now open until Tuesday July 18th! Here is the link to place your orders:
Camp Pec having classroom fun!
Camp Pec field trip to Legacy Academy and Rocky Rococos
Camp Pec kids practicing their skills with the Mustang Cheerleading Squad
Camp Pec kids learning baseball skills from Drew Schliem and AJ Hendrickson
Thank you Drew and AJ!!
Camp Pec is learning Baseball skills from Drew Schliem and AJ Hendrickson
Camp Pec kiddos enjoying outdoor activities and art with Grandview
Camp Pec kiddos having fun at the playground in Arena!
Camp Pec visits Peck's Farm Market East
Camp Pec is learning basketball skills from Drew Schliem and AJ Hendrickson
Thank you Drew and AJ!
Camp Pec at the Toy Train Barn and the community park both located in Argyle.
The new Platteville Inclusive Playground is a must see!!
The National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium
Camp Pec visited The National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium
Camp Pec had a field trip to the YMCA in Monroe.
Camp Pec on a field trip to Yellowstone Lake
The Pecatonica School Board will be conducting interviews for their two open Board seats on Tuesday, July 11th starting at 6:00 PM in the middle school/high school library. This meeting is open to the public.
Pecatonica Girls Basketball and Class of 2023 Graduate Chloe Schraepfer played on the Six Rivers East All Star Girls Basketball Tea, they competed against the Six Rivers West All Star Girls Basketball Team!
Pecatonica Baseball State Bound Apparel Store is Open for a 2nd round with a few added items! Store will be open until Wednesday June 28th @ 11:59 pm. Here is the link to place your orders:
Pecatonica National Qualifiers Back to Back Conference Trap Team Apparel Online clothing store is now open until Tuesday June 20th! Here is the link to place your orders: