Pecatonica Summer EBT Information

The Summer Electronic Benefit (EBT) program assists families in purchasing food during the summer when school meals may not be available. Through Summer EBT, families receive one payment of $120for each eligible child in the household. For the 2024-25 school year, benefits will be sent to families with eligible children beginning in May 2025.

If your child qualifies for free or reduced-price meals at school, they are automatically eligible for Summer EBT for the summer of 2025. If you need to update your contact details or move before the benefits are issued in May 2025, please use the Department of Health Services' Benefit Management Tool at summerebt.wi.gov/s/SummerBenefitInfo to notify the state.

For families whose children do not receive free or reduced-price meals, there are steps you can take to see if your child qualifies for Summer EBT before the benefits are distributed in Summer 2025. You can apply for free or reduced-price meals at any school within the Pecatonica School District. If approved during the 2024-25 school year, your child will automatically be eligible for Summer EBT. Alternatively, you can apply for other qualifying state benefit programs. Your child will qualify for Summer EBT if your household receives FoodShare, W-2 Cash Benefits, or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) benefits, or participates in specific income-based Medicaid programs.

If you are approved for one of these programs before the summer of 2025, your child attending Pecatonica School District will be eligible for Summer EBT. To learn more about applying for these state benefits, call 211, visit access.wi.gov, or contact your local or tribal agency. For more information, visit dhs.wi.gov/forwardhealth/imagency/index.htm to locate the agency near you that can help with applying or enrolling in these programs.

You can also apply directly for Summer EBT by visiting https://wisconsin.summerebtapp.com. When applying for Summer EBT for your child(ren) attending the Pecatonica School District, you will need to provide proof that your household meets the income requirements for the program. The Summer EBT webpage at dhs.wi.gov/sebt has more details about the income requirements.

Please note: This information pertains to children attending the Pecatonica School District. If your child attends a different school, they may receive a different letter with instructions on how they can qualify for Summer EBT. For more information, visit dhs.wi.gov/sebt.

Receiving Summer EBT does not affect your eligibility for other benefits, such as meals offered through the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) or Seamless Summer Option (SSO). To find SFSP or SSO meal sites near you, visit https://dpi.wi.gov/community-nutrition/sfsp/find-summer-meals-site or call 211. You can also text 'food' to 304-304. Additionally, receiving Summer EBT will not affect your child's or family's immigration status.

If you have additional questions about the Summer EBT program, please visit the Summer EBT webpage at dhs.wi.gov/sebt. You can also email questions to ajorenby@pecatonica.k12.wi.us